This blog is intentended to show my thoughts and feelings only. All content is purely opinion of myself and no other person or persons. All content is written by me for no other reason then to express my opinions for particular subjects.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Colts Superbowl Trophy

Well, the Indianapolis colts did a fantastic job winning the beautiful Vince Lombardi trophy for superbowl XVI. It came to my town this past weekend: Greenfield, Indiana, on its statewide tour (and on Peyton Manning's birthday!!!!!). In the paper it said it would be here from 11am-1pm. So, seeing as I have 2 children 5 and under get to the fire station at 11. The line is UNBELIEVABLE. I didnt have a stroller.... absolutely without drinks or anything. I stood in line holding my 23 pound son the entire time while talking with my other son and waiting in our colts apparel. I was so excited and willing to wait so I could look at the trophy and hopefully touch it.... I wanted a photo of my boys with it too! Of course right before our turn my little boy falls asleep in my arms.. figures. We get to the front of the line, where we are greeted by a rude man in a suit who procedes to look at me like I am an idiot when I give him my camera turned off. I didnt realize he didnt know how to turn on a camera.(grin) So I take it back and turn it on eventhough it woulda saved him a few minutes to turn it on himself. As I shift my little boy and purse while grabbing the camera and turning it on, trying to keep track of my other boy. Rediculous. Then I see the trophy... however I am hurried to stand on the taped X on the floor and my other boy is on the other side wanting to look at the trophy also but the "guard" tells us to turn around! We didnt even get to look at it... so hurried.. rediculous. 2 hours in line... TWO HOURS of holding my 23 pound baby who didnt want to be held... so I could NOT see the trophy. I was disappointed to say the least. Seeing as I am a huge Indianapolis Colts fan, proof being that my 23 pound toddler is named Peyton, I felt a little cheated that we didnt get to touch it and check it out. I would rather have it be chaotic and be able to touch it then rushed and not be able to touch or see it... I know that it was placed in a larger, richer community where they were able to touch the trophy. What does that tell me?

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


What a wonderful game for our WONDERFUL, AMAZING Indianapolis Colts! Thank you to all the Colts. This season has been wonderful and as the clock ticked down 0:02, 0:01, 0:00..... It was the perfect ending to our season.... The wonderful, upstanding, humble, honest, amazing Colts football team finally got their much deserved reward for consistently being the greatest, most upstanding football team. In my eyes, the Indianapolis Colts are definitely the greatest football team by far. Team wise and people wise, this team is one of the greatest football teams in history in my opinion. (and that is not just because I am from Indiana) To the memebers of the Indianapolis Colts and coaching staff: Thank you so much for your continuous efforts for our city, for our state, and for us. Congratulations on the Superbowl win that you worked long and hard to bring to the place it should be! You are definitely and all star team and staff!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Indianapolis Colts!

The Colts in the super bowl! Can this get any better? Anyone who watched the game with the Patriots knows that the Colts had to fight with not only their minds and bodies, but they had to fight with their hearts. That game was possibly one of the greatest football games I have ever had the opportunity to experience. To come back from being down 21-3 and win against the Patriots.... that definitely says great things about the Colts team as a whole. To not only prove that you can win against the Patriots in a HUGE game, but also work as a team in every sense of the word, that shows that the Indianapolis Colts are a powerful force. I am obviously a Colts fan. After the game I cried... I have never cried during a sporting event in my life. However, for some reason, these games have become personal. Seeing the criticism of Peyton Manning and our Colts Defense has pushed me to overcompensate possibly. I get very frustrated when Peyton Manning is criticized about not winning the big game. Peyton is obviously one of the greatest and most intelligent quarterbacks in history. Win or lose, I am a Peyton Manning fan. Our Defense has also been playing very well and no one is giving them their credit due. We could all look back at this past game and say that the defense gave up a lot of points in the beginning. However, our offense also didnt produce, yet when they started making plays we gave them credit. The Defense held the Patriots to only 13 points in the 2nd half. 13 points! Also in my PERSONAL opinion.... that last patriots touchdown was not a touchdown. I think the receiver's foot was out of bounds by a hair before he leaped to catch the ball. But none of the matters because the Colts won anyway. Had they lost because of that play.. I would have been devestated. All in all, I think we can all agree that our Colts team is something special. They deserve this opportunity, and I am definitely cheering them on! GO COLTS! WE LOVE YOU!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

GO COLTS!!!!!!!

We are ready here in Indianapolis for the Colts vs Patriots game! It will be a good game! Reading on some of the message boards I have seen that more people prefer the Patriots and don't like the Colts. I don't know how that could be! The Indianapolis Colts are a great team and Peyton Manning is a great quarterback! I stand by my Indianapolis Colts and do believe they can win the big game! Some people are saying Peyton just can't win the big games, however we did win against the Patriots when no one thought we could..... no one seems to remember that. I think the Patriots are a great team. I am not a Patriot fan just because I love the Colts, but they are a great team. I think this will be a battle to the end. Good luck to the COLTS! GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007


Well, everything happened the way we hoped I believe here in Indiana. The San Diego Chargers and LT fell to the Pats and Tom Brady. Chicago beat Seattle and Shaun Alexander, and Philadelphia and Brian Westbrook fell to New Orleans and Drew Brees.

Our Colts Defense has been playing very well! I am very proud to be part of the same State as the Colts. I love our colts team! I don't necessarily agree with the fact that Indy is spending 15 million dollars to decorate the city for this weeks game considering there are so many more constructive ways we could be utilizing that money. That is poor decision making of Indy though not the colts who are wonderful!

I think this coming Colts vs Pats game will be a great game. I am praying for our colts and believing in blue! The Pats are a great team. It will be a close game I believe. If everything goes well, we will be in the superbowl in a few weeks! I BELIEVE IN BLUE!!!! GO COLTS!!