This blog is intentended to show my thoughts and feelings only. All content is purely opinion of myself and no other person or persons. All content is written by me for no other reason then to express my opinions for particular subjects.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Building a Better Marriage

After searching and searching for blog topics that I could possibly write about and coming up with nothing that seemed to interest me, I decided to write about the things I think are important.

Being married for 6 years now I have learned things that would have made it easier to know at the very beginning. It all narrows down to the fact that although marriage is not easy, its definitely rewarding when you do find that perfect person for you. I am lucky to have found my perfect match. I have read books and articles about how to make a marriage work and how to become closer, but the truth is that reading books is not going to help alone. You have to take action. I believe communication is the key to a successful marriage. I have learned many things about men since I have been married, and although much of it makes no sense to me how they think, I accept the fact that men and women usually don't think the same. For some reason men have come to the conclusion that talking about feelings makes them look weak. Nowadays though, we have email! I think this is the perfect tool for men to communicate feelings with women. If they can't say the words, then let them type it out. They get to show more feelings then they would by speaking, and we get to read these special sentiments and keep them to read later when we want. I, myself, can accept that happy mediium. It is a form of communication with no interruptions. Like I previously stated, I believe communication is the key to a better marriage. Although many factors decide the fate of a marriage, ultimately if you don't communicate well, eventually you will become strangers.

I plan to continue adding entries about marriage, children, parenting, and my experiences with family, marriage, and building my small business. I welcome any blog topic ideas. Please check my website at: and send us feedback to recommend a topic!

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