This blog is intentended to show my thoughts and feelings only. All content is purely opinion of myself and no other person or persons. All content is written by me for no other reason then to express my opinions for particular subjects.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Holiday Blues

It is difficult sometimes around the holidays to actually spend quality time with your family. It seems as if that should be the easiest time to see the ones you love the most. However it seems like the holidays are actually for the ones you never see on a regular basis because when you do end up visiting them you never actually see your spouse or children. Everyone is always in a rush to get last minute gift shopping and cooking finished, including myself, so the thought of actually spending time with anyone seems out of the question. For some reason this oddity happens every holiday. So many times we hear that the holidays are times to spend with family, yet we hardly get much quality time in because we are always rushing to the next family function that we hear someone else is having. Yet, year after year we continue to repeat the same, monotonous schedule. Sometimes I feel as though I may be the only one in the world who feels this way, but if we could possibly manage our time better, then we may actually get to spend important holidays with the ones we are so close to.

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