This blog is intentended to show my thoughts and feelings only. All content is purely opinion of myself and no other person or persons. All content is written by me for no other reason then to express my opinions for particular subjects.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

My First After Thanksgiving Sale Experience

I promised myself that I absolutely would not go to any after Thanksgiving sales ever. I love to shop, but the thought of getting my cart stolen or being pushed over a silly sale made no sense. The thought of the traffic and the getting up early didnt attract me either. I actually only went to Walmart. I wanted the early bird special. There were 4-5 toys that I just had to get for my boys. The sales started at 5am until 11am. Thinking I would outsmart the store, I get there at 430 thinking I will load up my cart and wait until 5 to checkout. I get to the toy section only to find out that everything is put in a different location and they are giving out sale maps. There were two toys at one side of the store and 2 at the other. So I am thinking that I will start at one side and easily walk around to the other and checkout. As the lines build I realize that is not going to happen so easily. Thank goodness I wasn't waiting for a hand held DVD player! I heard through Walmart gossip that it got a little rowdy around them. Standing in line I get interviewed by a local paper. I am thinking "What's the big deal that this is going to be a story that needs interviews?" Well, the next day I am in the paper! I did get the toys I needed, thank goodness, but I reassured myself that next year I am definitely staying home. Either that or getting up earlier!

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