This blog is intentended to show my thoughts and feelings only. All content is purely opinion of myself and no other person or persons. All content is written by me for no other reason then to express my opinions for particular subjects.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Secret Santa

News on AOL this morning caught my attention. The notorius "Secret Santa" is revealed because of a deadly illness. Take a few minutes to read this short story about this wonderful man, Larry Stewart. Diagnosed with cancer, he is still planning on giving 100,000 this holiday season to unsuspecting people to cheer them up. I knew very little about Mr. Stewart, but had heard a little about the "Secret Santa." This story actually brought tears to my eyes. To hear what this man has gone through and overcome in his life without resorting to crime or violence is an inspiration. The many lives Mr. Stewart has touched and will continue to do is absolutely amazing. I have heard that money changes a person, but this is proof that it is not the money, but the person who changes themselves. Everyone has a choice in life of what kind of person they will become. Everyone has the ability to overcome obstacles and come out better than they were before. Some people choose to close up and be greedy. However there are those angels like Larry Stewart who succeed in becomming what I would consider hero status. Although I am sure Mr. Stewart would not call himself a hero, there are plenty of people who he has helped, and people like me who he has inspired that would call him just that. Reading the article about Larry Stewart has made me realize that this world has not turned completely cold and not everyone puts themselves and their bank account first. Although I can not yet contribute back to this world financially just yet, I now am inspired to help in other ways. Thank you Mr. Stewart, you are truely an angel in my eyes.

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